Transformation of the Mechanisms for Managing the Fuel and Energy Complex (FEC) of Russia in Order to Reduce Risks and Threats: the Kremlin-2018 in a Complex Economic Reality

#6. The Charm of Unattainable Peaks
Transformation of the Mechanisms for Managing the Fuel and Energy Complex (FEC) of Russia in Order to Reduce Risks and Threats: the Kremlin-2018 in a Complex Economic Reality

The purpose of the present article is to substantiate the directions of transforming the mechanisms of the fuel and energy complex management in Russia in order to eliminate risks and threats to the national economic interests of our country, manifested in the period of oil prices falling and introduction of anti-Russian economic and political sanctions. The authors propose approaches to substantiate the ways for protecting Russia’s economic interests in relation to the fuel and energy complex (FEC) of Russia, including concentration in the state’s hands of export flows of fuel and energy resources management (supply routes, volumes of extraction, transportation), cpecification of payment terms; intercorporate coordination of measures for development, reconstruction and modernization of fuel and energy infrastructure; formation of a qualitatively new infrastructure for wholesale and retail markets for fuel and energy resources (FER); transition to setting-up abroad the energynodal management mechanism regarding supply and transportation of Russian fuel and energy resources; clarification of measures for coordination and operation of profit centers, corporate financial centers, concentration centers of possession and management of property and financial assets in relation to large Russian energy corporations, including their subsidiaries and associates of the company abroad and others. Technology under consideration is proposed as an integral part of the management technologies of the Russian economy branches in relation to possible economic fluctuations of the world economy under conditions of significant changes related to new political realities in the USA, EU, etc.


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