Heads of States, don’t be Afraid to be Saint

#3. Countdown
Heads of States, don’t be Afraid to be Saint

The article represents an appeal of a famous scientist-ecologist, the first minister for nature conservation of the Soviet Union Fyodor T. Morgun for nature conservancy, which sounded already in 2000 from the pages of edition “Peasant — Soul of the World”. The author believes that for successful solution of environmental problems on the whole planet only 7-8 % of industrialized countries’ budget is required. “That is what the governments of leading world countries need to think hard and to take appropriate steps instead of continuing the race of total mutual destruction weapons production”. These words today, 14 years later, become of particular relevance.

Regions Socially Responsible Development Rating

#7-8. Passions on the adjuster

Separate elements of the socially responsible development of regions are regularly measured and reported to the public by competent bodies. These elements of socially responsible development include: ecology, social sphere, efficient governance, investment feasibility, infrastructure, security, level of crime and others.

On the Approach to Technical, Economic And Environmental Efficiency of Bottle-Gas Driven Vehicles Application

#11. Life resources

Minimum sustained speed of the car on liquefied gas is 18% lower than on diesel oil. At the same time the fuel efficiency of a car on LPG is much higher.