Problems of lean manufacturing implementation at the enterprise and methods to solve them

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.115.2024.51-61

The problem of modernization of production systems in Russia is currently manifested in an acutely pronounced form. Their basis in most companies is the concept of mass production, which does not fully meet modern requirements, and therefore does not bring the expected effect. The introduction of new systems requires extraordinary efforts on the part of both management and staff. One of the most effective methods implemented in the practice of business entities today is lean manufacturing. Let’s consider its tools and methods as a means of increasing the efficiency of the enterprise.


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Preserving environmental sustainability: challenges and solutions

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.114.2024.75-86

In this article, the authors substantiate the concepts of sustainability, stability and risk of conservation and development of three macro–environments — economic, demographic and environmental (natural), based on the provisions of international documents on the creation of sustainable development processes in countries. The level of pollution and the degree of protection of such environmental components as surface water bodies, soil, fauna, flora, land as a territory and waste are based on specific examples of their current state in the Russian Federation and current problems of preserving and improving the economic, demographic and environmental components are identified. Proposals for environmental protection in draft Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation are analyzed. Risks expected in the future in the economic sphere are determined for each specific example based on the developed sustainability model, demographic and environmental conditions.


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Public-private partnership: current state and development dynamics

One of the tools for implementing the project approach in the public administration field, improving the financial, technological and innovative potential of various sectors of the Russian economy is public-private partnership (PPP). A comparative assessment of the dynamics of the public-private partnership development in Russia and abroad determines the purpose of this paper. The paper also presents an analysis of trends in the development of the PPP market, which caused a surge of interest in PPP on the business part and the risks that arise in the process of PPP projects’ implementing.

Assessment of Management and Planning Processes at Industrial Enterprise During Project Implementation

#1. Minds Confusion
Assessment of Management and Planning Processes at Industrial Enterprise During Project Implementation

The article analyzes implementation of projects by design department of the defence-industrial enterprise. As the main objects of study were chosen: projects (R&D, mass production); design department labour resources, implementing projects; tools for automation of management and implementation planning of the design department’s projects. Based on the assessment results, conclusions were drawn up and recommendations were made on recompensing multiple interrelationships of the head of the design department.