Author page: Nikitin Yuri A.

Supply chain management of offshore projects in the Arctic based on digital transformation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.99.2021.76-87

The article provides a comparative assessment of the digital maturity of the leading oil and gas companies of the Russian Federation admitted to work on the Arctic shelf (PJSC Gazprom Neft and PJSC Rosneft) in the exploration and production segment according to the stages of the «thing-digit-thing» cycle, as well as a comparison with leading practices in the field of project logistics on the shelf. It identifies approximate cost-cutting limits of digital transformation in Arctic projects and factors limiting cost efficiency of offshore projects in the Russian Arctic. The goal of the study is to identify a potential increase in digital maturity and scope of digital transformation in the Arctic project supply chain in Russia. The study is based on modern approaches to sustainable supply chain management in oil industry and supply chain streamlining for offshore projects. The article identifies a group of factors limiting cost efficiency of Arctic projects, specific to the Russian Arctic. It is established that the main factor limiting digital transformation of offshore projects in the Russian Arctic is the increasing technological underperformance of oil service companies. To build capacity in digital maturity of the offshore project supply chain, it is necessary to focus on disruptive technologies that could significantly lower the cost of oil production in the Arctic area.

Methodological approaches to the assessment of the state and level of pollution of environmental components in the regions

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.98.2021.95-103

The article deals with international and Russian documents defining strategic directions, goals and plans of environmental protection activities. It was found out that basically all international agreements regulate measures to protect the air basin and preserve the forests of the planet, reduce emissions of harmful and polluting substances into the atmosphere. In the Russian Federation, these activities are regulated by national projects, for example, the Ecology project. The authors propose methods that allow analyzing the state of environmental components, the level of their pollution and the costs of environmental protection on the basis of available data from the annual statistical reports of the Russian Federation.

Scientific and methodological apparatus for the modernization of the pension system aimed at improving the standard of living of the population of the territories of the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.93.2020.12-24

The article deals with one of the most pressing problems of modernizing the economic relations of the pension system aimed at improving the standard of living of citizens of the Russian Federation.

Using a systemic methodological approach and methods of statistical and economic analysis, including horizontal and vertical analysis, the authors assessed the dynamics and structure of income and expenses of the Pension Fund and the number of employed pensioners in Russia. Pensions to individuals were calculated using methods of ratio analysis. Differences in living standards of pensioners in the Far North and other regions of Russia were assessed using comparative analysis. The study showed the reason why Russian pensioners stay employed, presented the procedure of pension payments to individuals, and explained potential ways of improving the pension system. The main idea of the study findings is to explain the need to reform the pension system for the purpose of raising the living standards of pensioner citizens of the Russian Federation.

Current trends in the development of investment activities in the mining industry industrial complex of the Murmansk region

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.105-111

The article analyzes the current trends in the development of investment activities in the mining industry of the industrial complex of the Murmansk region, which is part of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, and also assesses the investment risks possible during the implementation of projects.