Neurooperating the behavior of cognitive agents based on electronic semantic interpretation of states of consciousness and psyche with the effects of immersion, presence and unity with virtual reality

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.90.2020.5-12

The article is devoted to the possibility of neurooperating behavior of heterogeneous groups of cognitive agents, which in the conditions of immersion of consciousness in virtual reality is based on the formation of a complex image of quasi-reality in the human mind using the information technology platform of non-invasive neurointerfaces. The necessity of using neural networks and fuzzy logic for identification and analysis of nonlinear neuro-fuzzy approximations of the psychosemantic state of the control object’s personality on the basis of electronic semantization (semantic interpretation) of the States of its consciousness and psyche is justified. It is proposed to develop software tools for quenching or activating, depending on the need, neurophysiological or psychoemotional stress as a source of aggressive behavior in real life, through neuro-linguistic elements and neuro-marketing mechanics with the effects of immersion, presence and unity of the individual with the digital virtual environment.


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