Spirituality of Society and Spiritual Economy

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-2.176.2021.104-113

The article examines the history of the formation of spirituality in the East and West and examines modern problems of spirituality in society. The compatibility of the values of the West and the East is studied and the composition of the key laws and principles of the main religions of the world in the life of society is integrated. The combination of secular and religious spirituality is studied. The basics and provisions of labor ethics in the countries of the East and West are considered, and the attitude of the main religions to labor, wealth, property, and the economy is compiled. The definition of spiritual economy is proposed, and evaluation criteria are given, as well as an introductory composition of its characteristics is formed

The Theater Begins with a Prayer…

#2. Is it reformation on the march?

When people ask me: “What is the policy of the theater and its main objectives?” — I respond: “Getting close to its title”. As much as we shall be Russians, as far as we shall be the Orthodox, so far we shall correspond to the high title of “spiritual theater”. This is our endevour.

Transformation and Modernization

#4. 25 000 000: Wo dein Рlatz, Genosse, ist?!

 March 29, 2011 in the Sergievsky Hall of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, enlarged meeting of the Club of Orthodox entrepreneurs took place in the format of public hearings on key strategic issues of the country’s development, problems of social policy, childhood protection, formation of fair and conscientious financial system.

High Morality — Foundation of All Fundamentals

#3. Expectation of Light

In the name of long-term sustainable development of Russia, the state should work towards management of risk of moral degradation of the population with the aim of creating a society of moderate consumption and fair distribution of the state wealth without infringing on everybody’s rights of private property.

Social And Cultural Foundation of the Crisis, Its Opportunities and Threats

#12. Evil People

Today we are increasingly in favour of the idea that the first to describe the coming catastrophic crisis without encouraging reservations and without distinguishing those right and guilty, was Russian by origin Pitirim Sorokin.