Identifying Leaders in the Major Production Groups

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.173.2020.92-98

The article dwells on the possibilities and features of methods and mechanisms tested at the program for identifying leaders of labour collectives

Corporation Best Practices of Personnel Reserve and Succession Management

#4. Until the Thunder Breaks Out
Corporation Best Practices of Personnel Reserve and Succession Management

This article presents the results of the analysis conducted by the author in 2017. During the study of the problem of management staff formation, the state of the system of managerial personnel reserve and succession management in foreign and Russian corporations (including state corporations) was determined. As a result, the author has identified the succession management best practices in corporations, which can serve as a basis for the development of strategic human resource management in Russian organizations.

Balance of Interests — In the Basis of Progress

#7-8. Burning Ground

It is very difficult to cope with high-quality daily work (not heavy unskilled physical labor, but labor in the broadest possible interpretation), when tomorrow we have to work a little longer and a little better than today.