To Work Safely, to Build Beautifully, to Be Proud of Yourself

#6. Territory Without Aims?
To Work Safely, to Build Beautifully, to Be Proud of Yourself

How to make a city compact, comfortable, to solve complexly a number of transport and social problems — this and many other questions are covered in an interview by the Honorary builder of Russia, General Director of the investment projects management company “INEX”, Advisor to the President of the Group of Companies “MONARCH” Andrey Bakunichev.

Progress vs. Tradition. A Brief Course of 20th Century Russian History for Top Management

#9. Any problem with?

 Young economists the Yeltsin government were forced to play the role of the counter-revolution demons, breaking the dead Soviet economy before the very eyes of amazed people.

Russia — France: Cooperation In the Sphere of Humanities

#1. Hollywood as a password

Year 2010, declared the Year of Russia in France and the Year of France in Russia, was special in terms of development of Russian-French cooperation in the sphere of humanities, which was happening at the background of an unprecedented by its intensity political, cultural, economic and scientific exchange between the two countries.