All This Jazz. Strategic Trends in 2018

#2. Breakthrough Betting
All This Jazz. Strategic Trends in 2018

The article is a review of strategic trends of the past year, which has become traditional for the Economic Strategies magazine. According to the authors, despite the fact that the year was not particularly remarkable, a number of significant events occurred. The main trend of the year was the confrontation of President Trump and the Democrats. This reflects the trend of cyclical development, when at a certain point a concentration of efforts of one or another nation occurs, and, if it is successful, then external expansion follows. Currently, the US foreign expansion, called globalization, does not have sufficient resources for its continuation. The authors describe the situation in nine different areas of the country’s life, corresponding to parameters of the national integral power: economics, foreign policy, army, territory, natural resources, culture and religion, science and education, population, government.


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