Author page: Sergey Saltykov

On the Procedure for Selecting Future Areas of Research, Taking into Account the Typology of Their Readiness Levels

#6. For the High Norm
On the Procedure for Selecting Future Areas of Research, Taking into Account the Typology of Their Readiness Levels

Based on the international scale of levels of readiness of technology developed a typology of research readiness levels. When forming the priority, promising areas of research proposed to take into account the typology of research levels of readiness. It is shown that the detail stages of innovation cycle most relevant to its middle levels.

Multicriteria Selection: Model Refining

#5. To Understand. To Prevent. To Overcome
Multicriteria Selection: Model Refining

The article shows that in applied problems of multicriteria selection it isn’t necessary any more to formalize criterion mathematically as a function. It can be defined by means of verbal language as the name of significant feature of selection option. It is possible to use criteria, understood as a function, in fundamental research. Moreover, specifics of multicriteria selection as scientific-applied direction is disclosed: it is shown that it is not reduced to optimization theory as such.

Properties of Complex Problems Solution Methods

#7. Pandora’s Deceit
Properties of Complex Problems Solution Methods

The article formulates and discusses in details two fundamental properties of cognitive processes activation methods for solving the IV level complexity problems. Complexity level is determined by some type of cognitive process, which is considered from gnoseological positions.