Technologies of the VIth Technological Order and Risks of Socio-Humanitarian Development in the Post-Industrial Era

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.42-53

Particular attention is paid to assessing the consequences of the spread of transhumanism as an ideology aimed at using the high transformative potential of convergent technologies not in line with humanistic values, but for deforming effect on humans, society and nature, which creates conditions for increasing social inequality and implementation of a model of a new social order based on the principles of “cybernetic totalitarianism”. The author raises a question of the need to create an alternative to transhumanism theory, based on socio-humanism and noospherism, which will allow using the creative possibilities of convergent technologies (primarily nature-like ones) to form a nature-like (bio-like) technosphere, on the one hand, and on the other hand – to improve the quality of life and to overcome severe physical and mental illnesses of a human. The role of bioethics and biopolitics in reducing the environmental, biosocial and socio-humanitarian risks of using new technologies is assessed.


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