The "Economic Strategies" journal


Value of Transparency in Investment Decisions: A Catalyst for Change

#8. Is a burden of one’s own choice is not felt?

Business ethics in the mining industry, ethical investment research, and ethical assessment for mining and metal companies are marching in together to unknot the classical oxymoron of sustainable mining by rediscovering the value of transparency.

“No” to Crimes on the Internet!

#9. Triupmh of chronophages

Today communications are intensively developing, including cellular communication. It also requires an innovative, creative approach. Everything is changing very quickly, and we have to go through uncharted fields.

The Strategy of Three “I”: Internet, Integration, Innovation

#9. Triupmh of chronophages

LTE market is still emerging, and we regard as positive the fact that Russia is introducing new technologies at the same time with the countries — leaders in the field of IT and telecommunications.

Technological Neutrality of Radio Spectrum Utilization in Russia

#9. Triupmh of chronophages

Delaying permission to use LTE in GSM-bands looks like inappropriate attempt to restrict access to modern information technology for almost 40 million subscribers of regional mobile operators.