Environmental Aspect of Implementing Integrated Programs for Optimizing Local Energy in Russia by the Case of the Khabarovsk Territory

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.134-141

Статья посвящена технологическим и экологическим эффектам реализации комплексной программы оптимизации локальной энергетики, сокращению выбросов CO2 при генерации энергии на дизельных электростанциях. Также рассмотрена возможность использования «зеленых» финансов как инвестиционного инструмента

Analysis of features of technologically isolated energy distributions taken into account in the development of local energy optimization programs

The article compares the centralized and decentralized energy supply of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, analyzes the energy supply of isolated energy regions of the country. The features of local energy areas are determined, their difference from centralized energy zones is revealed. Recommendations are given that must be considered when creating a program for optimizing the energy of technologically isolated energy regions.