Author page: Elena Tishchenko

Architectural Engineering of Hybrid Models Incorporating Digital Twins and Machine Learning

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.191.2023.94-99

In modern engineering of complex technical systems [1] digital twins and artificial intelligence systems started to be applied, while these subsystems have their own methods and tools for systemic, mathematical and computer modeling. Lack of a normalized approach to combining data from disparate sub-systems into a single system results in a “one-off” assembly methodology or in creation of unique digital models and intelligent systems, which impedes their further transformation into more complex both technical and intelligent systems. In this regard, the search for a standard form of representing such subsystems into a single system becomes relevant, along with the task of developing a methodology for the unified design and production of intelligent systems based on the use of model-oriented system engineering [2, 3, 4]. The work names and systematizes methods and techniques for such developments, demonstrates a standard approach to a normalized platform representation of models of various subsystems, which initially have their own methods and presentation tools; results of a normalized policy for constructing a platform of models from various subsystems for an anthropomorphic robot and spacecraft are described. Within the framework of the presented example, complementary methods of digital multiphysics modeling, digital twins and machine learning are positioned.


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The Cradle of Life will Become the “Pasture„ of “Unicorns„


The era of digital reorganisation will engender transformation of the world economy, largely determining the vector of civilizational development. Despite the losses of the 20th century, Russia, having the potential of fundamental science and resource self-sufficiency, is still among the few countries capable of leadership in changing conditions. Post-COVID economy has only accelerated the transformation process, generating thrust for the rapid growth of “unicorns”, mainly in the markets of platform and ecosystem solutions. Russia may become the “homeland” of such “unicorns”, and their scaling will provide the growing consumer market of Africa, which is a favourable territory for development and localization of scaling of science-intensive exports that can ensure the well-being of national economies.


1. Mirovaya geografiya kompanii-edinorogov [Global Geography of Unicorn Companies]. Nauka, tekhnologii, innovatsii, 2021, September, 24, available at:

2. United Nations e-Government Survey 2018. United Nations, 2018, available at:

3. Rossiya stala odnim iz mirovykh liderov po urovnyu proniknoveniya fintekh-uslug [Russia has Become One of the World Leaders in Terms of Fintech Services Penetration]. EY, available at:

4. Pri Mishustine nalogovoe vedomstvo Rossii stalo odnim iz luchshikh v mire [Under Mishustin, the Tax Department of Russia has Become One of the Best in the World]. Federal’noe agentstvo novostei, available at:

5. African Economic Outlook 2021. African Development Bank Group, available at:

6. Sammit “Rossiya — Afrika” [Russia-Africa Summit]. Ofitsial’nyi sait Prezidenta RF, available at:

7. From magazine: African air cargo market bucks global trend. Logistics update Africa, available at:

The Relationship of Industry and Science in France by the Example of the École Polytechnique

#3. TARGET'S Issue
The Relationship of Industry and Science in France by the Example of the École Polytechnique

The paper investigated the current state of innovation system in France. By the example of the Higher School of Engineering École Polytechnique it considers formation of technology transfer center as a link between university innovation activity and entrepreneurial activity of major national corporations in France. The article examines principles of interaction between the major players of the university innovation system and their role in supporting small innovative companies formed as a result of the university innovative activity.