Methodological Aspects of Modeling Concept Value Assessment of Live Cycles in the Assessment Activities in the Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.80-91

The article discusses the subject of research, focused on the study of the transformation processes of the valuation methodology, focused on the effective management of sustainable and breakthrough socio-economic development by ensuring the effective implementation of National projects using the results of the value management genesis in valuation activities based on the use of the concept of cost-based life cycle assessment The relevance of this study is determined by the importance of solving the national economic problem of the need to ensure the launch of innovative high-tech investment cycles for the development of industries, enterprises and investment projects based on the formation of an updated methodological base for valuation activities. Moreover, it is proposed to use the model of formalizing the processes of valuation and cost and cost management in economic systems based on the life cycles of goods, products and works as the main evaluative ideology. The aim of the study is to develop a set of relevant methodological proposals for modeling the concepts of valuation of life cycles in the valuation of Russia in order to ensure its transformation that is sufficient for cost management of sustainable and breakthrough socio-economic development of the country through ensuring the effective implementation of national projects. The object of the study is the development of theoretical principles and conceptual approaches for modeling the methodological foundations of valuing and managing the life cycles of goods and products in the process of implementing national projects based on minimizing the cost of their life cycles, life cycle contracts, total costs and the cost of ownership of life cycles. As applied research methods, a comprehensive approach was used, based on analysis and synthesis, logical analysis, expert approach, methods of economic and mathematical modeling and forecasting.


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