Innovation Economy Clustering: Strategic Issues of Development

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.190.2023.72-77

Conditions prevailing in the Russian economy in 2023 presuppose an increased role of indirect forms of state support for business, where the state acts as a curator, nourishing small businesses with the help of analytical support. An optimal institution for implementing such a support policy is the innovation cluster, due to the formation in the process of “cooperation — competition” of a group of interrelated enterprises that can compete with large companies in innovation markets. Based on the patent analysis, it is shown that Russia has a significant development potential, and innovation clusters should focus on developing those technological areas that are most promising for their target development model.


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Redemption of the Right to Use a Patent as a Legal Measure to Reduce the Cost of Innovative Drugs

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.162.2019.120-125

Many innovative drugs used in key therapeutic areas and in such diseases like cancer, hepatitis C, diabetes and many others are an integral part of state insurance programs and reimbursement schemes. Meanwhile, often due to the high cost of medicines and budget constraints, the need of all patients requiring treatment cannot be satisfied. This problem is extremely relevant both in industrialized countries, such as the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany and in such relatively young pharmaceutical markets like Russia. In many countries, there is a law on redemption of patent rights from manufacturers, which allows the state subsequently to provide patients with the necessary therapy almost at the drug’s cost price. However, this practice is not widespread and is really used in isolated instances, even in the leading world countries. The purpose of the present article is to substantiate the need for broad application of the scheme of the patent use redemption by the state using the example of drugs for treating hepatitis C in the USA, where this law has been functioning for many years. During the study, we analyzed the works of leading foreign authors in the field of pharmaceuticals and patent protection, as well as legislative and regulatory documents, statistical materials of international databases on the industry over the past years

Will Russia Win a Great Nano-Racing? Focus on Creating a Productive Sectoral Sphere of Research and Development in Nanotechnology

#5. Cultural Revolution

Will Russia win a great nano-racing? Probably not! Corruption, powerful lobby groups which consume a significant part of financial resources, an aging staff and inadequate measures of power structures determine stagnation processes. On the world arena Russia is step by step giving up its advantage to more ambitious, energetic and purposeful.