Transformation of Russia’s Presence in Kyrgyzstan
DOI: 10.33917/es-3.169.2020.74-79
The article dwells on the changing role of Russia in Kyrgyzstan, identifies trends of the main country’s indicators in trade and direct investment, describes humanitarian cooperation between two countries. The authors make an assessment of Kyrgyzstan’s economic potential, examine the main industries and agriculture of the country, identify its investment attractiveness for foreign partners.
1.Struktura VVP po vidam ekonomicheskoi deyatel’nosti v tekushchikh tsenakh [GDP Structure by Types of Economic Activity at Current Prices]. Natsional’nyi statisticheskii komitet Kyrgyzskoi Respubliki, available at:
2. Valovoi vnutrennii produkt (mln dollarov SShA) [Gross Domestic Product (US $ Million)]. Natsional’nyi statisticheskii komitet Kyrgyzskoi Respubliki, available at:
3. Bilateral trade between Kyrgyzstan and China. Trade Map, available at:
4. Bilateral trade between Kyrgyzstan and Russian Federation. Trade Map, available at:
5. Investitsii v Kyrgyzskoi Respublike [Investments in the Kyrgyz Republic]. Natsional’nyi statisticheskii komitet Kyrgyzskoi Respubliki, available at:
6. Bolee 80% gumanitarnoi pomoshchi ot Rossii poluchila Siriya [Syria Received Over 80% of Humanitarian Aid from Russia]. RBK, 2018, November, 26, available at:
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