Climate Change and Energy Transition

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.192.2023.16-29

The author shows that global warming is determined not by human activity, but by natural phenomena – primarily by a decrease in the inclination angle of the Earth’s rotation axis, changing the insolation of the polar/equatorial regions and, as a consequence, the intensity of meridional atmospheric-oceanic heat and mass transfer. The article presents results of measurements of the neutrino flux from the decay of the potassium-40 isotope, which confirmed the potassium content predicted by the theory of a hydrogen Earth, the flux of radiogenic heat from which must be taken into account in climate calculations. The article presents the results of experimental studies of hydrogen degassing from the depths of the Earth – the cause of the destruction of atmospheric ozone, the content of which in turn determines the temperature and pressure of the surface air. Spatial and temporal correlations of hydrogen degassing and ozone destruction, as well as the influence of gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun on degassing, make it possible for the first time to make long-term forecasts of meteorological changes and the occurrence of climate disasters. The author substantiates the need for changes in climate and energy policy.


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