Analysis of rational choice in the image-building space

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.100.2021.14-29

The principles and algorithms of the analysis of consumer preferences in terms of identifying and researching the area of rational choice (a set of characteristics taken into account by representatives of the target group in the process of rational choice of a product/ brand/ firm) are considered. Special attention is paid to the correctness of the application of the methods and the interpretation of the results. The issues of product/ brand/ company promotion based on rational choice analysis are discussed. Examples of solving practical problems of identifying factors of rational choice of goods/ brands/ firms, constructing areas of rational choice, analyzing the configuration of areas of choice, developing a strategy and essential details of promotion are given using the presented approach.

This article is a continuation of the author’s research presented in No 2(97), No 3(98) and No 4(99) of the journal for 2021.


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