The "Economic Strategies" journal


The Role of the Eurasian Idea in Shaping Russia’s Political Image in the Face of New Information Warfare Challenges

#4. Until the Thunder Breaks Out
The Role of the Eurasian Idea in Shaping Russia’s Political Image in the Face of New Information Warfare Challenges

This article discusses the role of the Eurasian idea in the modern concept of branding Russia in the context of new challenges of information war. The author emphasizes that in the Eurasian image concept of Russia has a high symbolic capital of culture, the potential of “soft power”, as it creates an understandable and positive image of Russia’s unifying mission in the expanses of Eurasia, puts forward the idea of a political dialogue of Eurasian peoples, in which Russia plays the role of symbolic cultural, a political and geopolitical bridge between East and West. This noble peacekeeping and unification mission of Russia-Eurasia can be a worthy response of our country to the contemporary challenges of information warfare.

Image Socio-Economic and Socio-Cultural State Guidelines

#4. Until the Thunder Breaks Out
Image Socio-Economic and Socio-Cultural State Guidelines

The author outlines that the information field, being expanded on the basis of modern high technologies, was imbued with the symbolic capital of the Russian culture, uniting multifaceted and multifunctional efforts of the participants.

Crypto Currencies of Central Banks: Current State and Prospects

#4. Until the Thunder Breaks Out
Crypto Currencies of Central Banks: Current State and Prospects

Meeting of the Bogomolov discussion club chaired by A.G. Aganbegyan, held on February 21, 2018 at the RAS Institute for Economic Strategies, was dedicated to analysis of the current state of the crypto-currencies of central banks and the prospects for financial technologies.

Russian Legislation as BigData

#4. Until the Thunder Breaks Out
Russian Legislation as BigData

An attempt to establish a rule of law in Russia resulted in creation of a very complicated and inefficient legal system. Some Russian laws have a Soviet, if not earlier, origin, others are related to international and foreign law, yet others are the fruit of the State Duma thinking activity, still others are composed by executive authority or even its separate branches, since regional and local legislation also exists. In this paper, the authors analyze Russian legislation applying the “communal conception” of laws, that is without making a formal distinction between properly laws and normative acts that are in force throughout the whole territory of the Russian Federation and binding for execution.

The Educational Potential of the Book of Memoirs and Reflections of Generations “We Remember…” in the Environment of Digital Economy

#4. Until the Thunder Breaks Out
The Educational Potential of the Book of Memoirs and Reflections of Generations “We Remember…” in the Environment of Digital Economy

In the article, the problem of the new individual as presented in research-based and philosophical-economic literature is analyzed as well its influence on the consciousness and the behavior in the digital age. Different point of view are represented on the problem of turning the individual into a cyborg in the environment of the digital economy which increases GDP but narrows the personal space and threatens the essence of the human being. In the article, the hope of creating the Russian scenario of the development of the future is expressed which is based on IT-technologies and traditional national values in the process of which the significant role is played by the system of raising the future generations. The book of memoirs and reflections “We Remember…” is an effective instrument of instilling spiritual, moral and patriotic values, development of creativity and the internal culture of the youth in the digital environment.

Micro- and Nano-Spacecrafts — Problems and Prospects of Creation and Application

#4. Until the Thunder Breaks Out
Micro- and Nano-Spacecrafts — Problems and Prospects of Creation and Application

Realizing the whole complexity of the problem of creating micro- and nano-satellites in our country, the RAS Institute for Economic Strategies jointly with the International Research Institute of Management Problems (MNIIPU) decided to form a large expert opinion on the need for this direction quick development, and then to formulate well-substantiated proposals. To this end, a scientific and practical seminar on “Micro- and nano-space devices — problems and perspectives of creation and application” was organized and held in Moscow on December 21, 2017. At the meeting it was decided to prepare a document based on the foresight research on the above-mentioned subjects. It can become a tool that will create a favorable environment for implementing projects and achieving the goals.

“REGION”: Chess Etudes

#4. Until the Thunder Breaks Out
“REGION”: Chess Etudes

On March 1, 2018 an annual international chess blitz tournament for the Cup of “REGION” Group of Companies was held in “Kosmos” hotel, which traditionally gathered the best players from all over the world. The stars of the world blitz Sergey Karyakin, Hikaru Nakamura, Shahriyar Mamedyarov, Vladislav Artemyev, Dmitry Andreikin, Ian Nepomnyashchiy, Daniil Dubov, Boris Gelfand, Anton Korobov and other titled chess players took part in the tournament this year. In total, more than two hundred people from 28 countries took part in the tournament. “REGION” Group of Companies celebrated the end of this event in an informal atmosphere, inviting star-studded chess players Anatoly Karpov, Viswanathan Anand, Sergey Karyakin and fans of the game for a friendly dinner to its office in the center of Moscow on March 6, 2018. Among the fans there were the owners and partners of the “REGION” Group of Companies, its staff, as well as the writer, president of the Strategic Initiatives Foundation Sergey Filatov, executive director of the Chess Federations Association, adviser to the president of the Russian Chess Federation Alexander Bakh, general directorate of the RAS Institute for Economic Strategies Alexander Ageev, who immediately joined to conducting this holiday of intelligence. Putting questions to eminent guests, he masterfully built an intellectual blitz interview in sequence, which allowed to compare opinions of representatives of different generations of the Russian chess school – the honored master Anatoly Karpov and the youth representative Sergei Karyakin, as well as to draw parallels with the views of the foreign colleague Viswanathan Anand.

70th Anniversary of Tair Mansurov, a Prominent State and Public Figure

#4. Until the Thunder Breaks Out
70th Anniversary of Tair Mansurov, a Prominent State and Public Figure

On January 1, 2018 one of the veterans of the Kazakhstan’s diplomatic service T.A. Mansurov celebrated his 70th anniversary. On January 12, 2018 his friends and colleagues, who came to the celebration party in the banquet hall of the Metropol Hotel, congratulated T. Mansurov on this memorable anniversary.

House as the Basis of Life: Creating Harmony

#4. Until the Thunder Breaks Out
House as the Basis of Life: Creating Harmony

The article analyzes two concepts of the cities’ future. According to one of them, the future is the world of digital megapolises, ecologically friendly environment that provides people with broad educational opportunities and integrates them organically into technologies. The other concept of the cities’ future seems to be more viable, friendly to a person and consists in a more perspective format of small settlements originally free of characteristic problems of large cities and megacities.