Economy: Realities and Illusions

#5. To Understand. To Prevent. To Overcome
Economy: Realities and Illusions

Economic science, which incorporates cognitive illusions of XIX-XX centuries, cannot give an adequate idea of the current economic reality and requires decisive revision. Economy in reality is different, perceived and described not so scientifically, mathematically, based on models, that is, physically, but post-scientifically, over the limits, which is the same — metaphysically.

Metaphysics of Violence

#4. Window of Opportunities
Metaphysics of Violence

The article analyzes metaphysical aspects of violence on the basis of three theses. 1. Metaphysics of violence. Violence in today’s world acts as an end in itself and its volumes grow towards the apocalypse. 2. Physics of violence. Violence is used by the state and its institutions as a means of positivity. 3. Wisdom of violence. Philosophy of economy and Russian sophianic philosophy are seeking the ways of transforming violence into meaningful, educational, training, cultural forms of human behavior determination, into the social structures of justice.