Author page: Vitaliya Bortalevich

Recombination of Developing Countries’ Debts to Russia: Conversion of Financial Debt in the Long-Term Lease of Property Assets

The article aims to consider the possibilities of handling the developing countries’ debts to Russia. A model for converting financial debt into long-term lease of property assets (territory, water area, etc.) is proposed. Recombination of debts for the long-term lease of territory will allow our country to achieve geostrategic results now or postpone it for the future, when it becomes especially profitable for us. This model of setting off (paying) the debt of the debtor country for Russia’s right to lease a part of the debtor country’s territory for 100 years ahead with exclusive use rights like a special economic zone should protect the interests of Russia and Russian companies, with regard to possible future situations of both peaceful and military character. Experience of the USA, which leased Alaska from the Russian Empire and is still giving it back, confirms the proposed model effectiveness