Author page: Ruslan Shmatkov

Network Planning as a Method for Optimizing Changeover Processes

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.191.2023.132-137

Production losses during changeover are most significant and critical for continuous cycle production. The present article discusses the issues of optimizing technological processes by the example of changing the product range on one continuous production line. An option is proposed for optimizing the time cycle of the operations technological map using network planning methods. The effectiveness of optimization is shown — both of a separate changeover process on a site, and of the entire complex of work on changing the assortment. The process of optimizing the time-consuming on changing assortments is a precursor to introducing lean manufacturing techniques, but does not contradict their parallel implementation. Without incurring financial costs, optimization of technological maps with the help of network planning methods has a significant advantage for implementation.


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