The "Economic Strategies" journal


The generator of drive in Russia

#5-6. Five Scenarios for a Century
The generator of drive in Russia

Russian-Nicaraguan relations have more than 70 years, and today they are on a fundamentally new stage of development. Evidence is more than enough: in 2014, Vladimir Putin became the first Russian head of state, caused the visit to Nicaragua; Daniel Ortega recognized independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and during vote in the UN General Assembly on the question of the annexation of Crimea Nicaragua, was among ten countries which supported the Russian position. New strength to the strategic relations between the two countries gives a rich potential for cultural exchanges, public diplomacy and cultural cooperation between the two countries. About the main directions of activities in the context of new integration processes in a changing world in an interview with the magazine “Economic Strategies”, said Alexander Sidorov, a representative of the Federal Agency for Affairs of CIS, compatriots living abroad and international humanitarian cooperation (“Rossotrudnichestvo”) of MFA of Russia in the Republic of Nicaragua.

Carlos Prats — Commander Era of Profound Change

#5-6. Five Scenarios for a Century
Carlos Prats — Commander Era of Profound Change

September 11, 1973 in Chili was a military coup. It was not the usual type of rebellion garrison, and well-planned military operation, the of which was made a combined attack using aircraft, artillery and infantry. The rebels were immediately engaged all public and government agencies. The officers refused to support the coup were shot. In a coup toppled President Salvador Allende and the ruling National Unity. To power a military junta, led by General Augusto Pinochet, who succeeded General Cаrlos Prats, a prominent military and political statesman of Chili, which will be discussed in this article. The article tells about the time of his command of the Chilean army, and climax in his military career. His role in the dramatic events which took place in Chile in the 70th of the XX century. Also shows traces of his personal diary, in which General Prats wrote that meant for his country during the government of Salvadore Allende and what was the real role of the armed forces in the political process of the country.

Go in the right direction

#5-6. Five Scenarios for a Century
Go in the right direction

During the economic crisis the construction sector was one of the vulnerable elements of the domestic economy. The lessening of population is paying capacity, credit famine and the sanctions policy of the West has forced many companies to re-look at your business. Despite the unstable situation, the Group of companies “Rosstroyinvest” is not going to abandon the implementation of previously announced projects. About his vision of the situation in an interview with the magazine “Economic Strategies”, said the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Group of companies “Rosstroyinvest” Fedor Olegovich Turkin.

Transhumanism Challenge: an Endless Progress, Leading to the Abyss of Dehumanization

#5-6. Five Scenarios for a Century
Transhumanism Challenge: an Endless Progress, Leading to the Abyss of Dehumanization

In the last 15-20 years the world has faced a global ideology, which clearly and distinctively marked the ultimate goals of the humanity progressive development. We are talking about transhumanism, which, literally speaking, before our eyes is becoming the dominant ideology in the United States and in the most developed countries of the West.

The Future is Connected With a Multipolar World Ideology

#5-6. Five Scenarios for a Century
The Future is Connected With a Multipolar World Ideology

The world is now experiencing a lack of spirituality. The most important aspect of this period is decline of ideologies that have been the main history drivers in the XIX–XX centuries. They require serious updating. In place of the unipolar world and globalization ideology should come an era of multipolar world. Each of the strengthening civilization poles will seek ideological support for their own state (or union of states). Most likely, the poles’ ideologies will represent a kind of synthesis of traditional spirituality and the elements of socialist ideology.

Theorem and Paradox of Awareness Barrier

#5-6. Five Scenarios for a Century
Theorem and Paradox of Awareness Barrier

The article suggests a theorem of awareness barrier — one of the foundations for designing military-political control systems in the singularity conditions. The paper proposes the mathematical expression of relationship between the subject’s lifetime and the limit of his mental development. It gives the proof of human evolution finiteness. The paradox of awareness barrier is described and its positive resolution is offered. A new principle of waging a hybrid war, based on designing local centers of evolution, is considered. The mechanism of transforming science into a direct political power is described. The article also presents a new role of Russia as a basis for constructing the Russian-Chinese interstate relations of a new type.

From Idea to Innovation Product: the Path Within Innovative Infrastructure of a Business University

#5-6. Five Scenarios for a Century
From Idea to Innovation Product: the Path Within Innovative Infrastructure of a Business University

The article focuses on the transformation of the Russian higher education system to meet the latest market economy demands and to develop the efficient interaction with the business community. Universities are integrating into existing production chains and new markets. Leading Russian universities are being transformed into innovation hubs, playing the role of integrators in scientific and technical processes, developing efficient mechanisms of technology transfer, they are able to form new educational programs that meet the latest demands of the knowledge society. Nationally oriented system of higher education based on traditional values and meeting institutional requirements of the country’s ecosystem, should become an important factor of Russia’s stable development.

On Some Issues of Developing Methodology for Increasing Strategic Management Efficiency of Energy Retail Companies

#5-6. Five Scenarios for a Century
On Some Issues of Developing Methodology for Increasing Strategic Management Efficiency of Energy Retail Companies

The article stresses the urgency of developing methodology for increasing strategic management effectiveness of energy retailing companies. The paper presents a review of the existing methodologies for strategic planning of energy retail companies and analyzes their use potential in modern world. The adapted methodology of strategy development for energy retail organizations based on operational peculiarities proposes at the phase of checking the goals conformity to determine congruency of the selected objectives and main strategy directions in conformity with the sector (electricity) goals, the main directions of the value growth concept, the principles of quality management system. At the stage of strategy choosing from three the most probable options — external growth, internal growth, saving — it is recommended to determine the optimal strategy taking into account the main directions (objectives): cost increase, quality and reliability.