The USSR Collapse in the Light of Fractal Cyclical Nature of the Russian History


The article proposes an approach to the problem of the USSR collapse within the framework of interdisciplinary direction of megahistory and global evolution, where the USSR collapse itself turned up to be a bifurcation of the scale invariance of the producing economy history. Its final world cycle gives a picture of periods that completely coincides with the written history of Ancient Russia — the Russian Empire — the USSR.



1. Kuzyk B.N., Ageev A.I., Dobrocheev O.V., Kuroedov B.V., Myasoedov B.A. Rossiya v prostranstve i vremeni (istoriya budushchego) [Russia in Space and Time (History of the Future)]. Moscow, INES, 2004, 336 p.

2. Kul’pin E.S. Geneticheskie kody tsivilizatsii. Sotsioestestvennaya istoriya. Genezis krizisov prirody i obshchestva v Rossii [Genetic Codes of Civilizations. Socionatural History. Genesis of Crises of Nature and Society in Russia]. Vyp. 4. Moscow, Moskovskii litsei, 1995, pp. 32–35.

3. Kul’pin E.S. Sotsioestestvennaya istoriya. Ot metoda — k teorii, ot teorii — k praktike [Socionatural History. From Method to Theory, From Theory to Practice]. Volgograd, Uchitel’, 2014.

4. Gridchin I.V. Sotsioestestvennaya istoriya kak megatsikl istorii chelovechestva [Socionatural History as a Megacycle of Human History]. Istoriya i sovremennost’, 2017, no 1, pp. 177–183.

5. Gridchin I.V. Troichnyi ritm faz sotsial’noi megaistorii. Ego prikladnoe znachenie dlya sistemnogo analiza i prognozirovaniya. Evolyutsiya. Patterny evolyutsii [The Ternary Rhythm of the Phases of Social Megahistory. Its Applied Significance for System Analysis and Forecasting. Evolution. Evolution Patterns]. Volgograd, Uchitel’, 2018, pp. 139–156.

6. Kul’pin E.S. Zolotaya Orda: sud’by pokolenii [Golden Horde: Destinies of Generations]. Vyp. XXVIII. Moscow, INSAN, 2006. (Seriya: Sotsioestestvennaya istoriya. Genezis krizisov prirody i obshchestva v Rossii.)

7. Bzhezinskii Z. Soedinennye Shtaty prevyshe vsego. Mezhdunarodnye posledstviya 1989 goda [The United States Above All. International Consequences of 1989]. Nezavisimaya gazeta, 1999, November 24.

8. Bulkin V.A., Dubov I.V., Lebedev G.S. Arkheologicheskie pamyatniki Drevnei Rusi IX–XI vekov [Archaeological Sites of Ancient Russia of the 9th–11th Centuries]. Leningrad, LGU, 1978.

9. Gridchin I.V. Raspad SSSR [Collapse of the USSR]. Priroda i chelovek. XXI vek, 2017, no 4, pp. 19–22.

10. Slavkina M.V. Triumf i tragediya. Razvitie neftegazovogo kompleksa SSSR v 1960–1980-e gody [Triumph and Tragedy. Development of the Oil and Gas Complex of the USSR in the 1960s–1980s]. Moscow, MAKS-Press, 2002.

Modern features and contradictions of economic security development in Russia

DOI: 110.33917/mic-2.103.2022.98-103

The article deals with the conceptual provisions of Russia’s economic security. The authors analyzed the existing approaches to the definition of the concept of «economic security». It is concluded that social, technogenic, informational and other processes directly affect the provision of economic security of the state. On the example of the situation in Russia, the main areas are identified, the impact on which with the help of economic instruments can cause significant damage to security in the context of the problems of «economic stability» at the national and regional levels. An assessment of the key threats to the economic security of the Russian Federation is given.


1. On the Strategy for the Economic Security of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 13, 2017 No. 208 // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2017. No. 20, art. 2902.

2. Afontsev S.A. National economic security: on the way to a theoretical consensus //World Economy and International Relations. 2002;10:30-39. (In Russ.).

3. Kuznetsov D.A., Rudenko D.A. System of indicators for evaluating economic security // National interests: priorities and security. 2015;23:59-68. (In Russ.).

4. Neu C.R. and Wolf Ch. The Economic Dimensions of National Security. Santa Monica: RAND, 2014. 269 p.

Strategic Factor of Energy in Changing the Trend of Catching-up Technological Development


The article examines the problems of structural modernization of the Russian economy in relation to applying the fuel and energy complex potential. The author reveals regularities of structural modernization and identifies the role of the fuel and energy complex as the most important element for developing the country’s productive forces. Creating a trajectory of sustainable economic growth requires an increased efficiency of using the energy complex potential. It is substantiated that the low technical and technological level of extractive and processing sectors of the fuel and energy complex, pricing imbalances, ruble devaluation don’t meet the strategic goals of industrial development and achieving economic security

Mineral Resources in the World and Russian Economies

#9. Execution Excess
Mineral Resources in the World and Russian Economies

Having analyzed vast information on the world and Russian economies, the author came to conclusion that world economy is closely connected with mineral resources, countries’ possibilities to pursue an independent policy or to convert this factor in the aggression element.

Mineral Resources in the World and Russian Economies

#8. Some Time in Petrograd...
Mineral Resources in the World and Russian Economies

Having analyzed vast information on the world and Russian economies, the author came to conclusion that world economy is closely connected with mineral resources, countries’ possibilities to pursue an independent policy or to convert this factor in the aggression element.