Trump’s Election Strategy: Neuromathematical Key to Deeper Layers of the American Voter Consciousness

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.165.2019.78-93

The key factor determining success of Trump’s election strategy was the use of cognitive neurophysiology methods — digital identification of a virtual doppelganger of a real voter in information and social networks. Semantization of the states of consciousness and psyche of individuals, being identified in the Global Network, on the basis of computational decisions allows to encapsulate (grab) an integral position that suits most people available for monitoring in order to set the vector of stable convergence of Trump’s election platform and the views of a particular American voter described and analyzed. Identification allows to influence the dominant focus of the emotional-imagination block for remote cognitive correction of the people’s political position in conditions of strategic bifurcation (elections). Russian developments in the field of personality neuro-management are also of great scientific and practical importance


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