Image of the Future as a System-Forming Factor for Society

#2. Breakthrough Betting
Image of the Future as a System-Forming Factor for Society

The article continues the cycle of studies devoted to the study of the “crisis of crises” of the human population caused by the “re-quantization of reality” — the transition from the outdated forms of Zoopopulation to the new Psychosocial formation; at the same time, it is noted that the “Image of a bright future” as a system-forming factor of the New World is distorted by subjective and objective reasons. Among the objective reasons that impede his perception, the authors see a sharp threshold increase in the level of complexity of all system constructions, including society, which requires immediate changes in the modern methodology of science. Subjective factors are the persistent attempt to preserve the obsolete global world order and stagnate the development of mankind by various methods of social destruction, primarily by creating artificial inequality. In response to the specific Russian question “What to do?”, The authors propose the obvious: revival and transition to dominance of higher forms of motivation, development of moral and ethical qualities as relevant anti-entropic factors and development of closing technologies as the highest form of livelihood of the population — all on the platform of social of the state.


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