Agglomeration Confines and Coronavirus Diffusion

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.60-68

In the absence of vaccines the most effective in terms of countering coronavirus (COVID–19) diffusion are the measures aimed at minimizing and limiting the contacts of population (quarantine, isolation, sanitary protection of territories, social distancing), i.e. isolating sources of contagion, shutdown or interruption of transmission and infection routes. For example, restrictions on relocation at the epidemic epicentre in China have reduced the total number of infections in the country by more than 90%. If the measures already implemented will not allow to stop the epidemic development, while taking decisions on restricting transport movement in agglomerations and major cities it is necessary to take into account the importance of maintaining socioeconomic interaction within their territories. This approach is expedient if the population living in the hour and a half automobile accessibility from these cities exceeds 85% of the total region


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