Progenitor of Eurodollar

#1. Long-Lasting Choice
Progenitor of Eurodollar

The article tells the history of creating a widespread now financial instrument — Eurodollar, about the role in its appearance of the USSR and the Soviet banks abroad — Moscow Narodny Bank in London and Eurobank in Paris, about the events preceding its appearance — the International Monetary and Financial Conference in Bretton-Woods, about the USSR’s attempts to escape from American sanctions. The article describes the consequences of introducing Eurodollar, of establishing new order for US dollar use in the world and the punishment of countries not supporting these new rules. One example of control over implementation of sanctions imposed by the United States is the story of punishing the Soviet Union for trade with Cuba, when US dollars, been applied by Moscow Narodny Bank for buying Cuban sugar, were blocked for 30 years. The article is dedicated to professionalism and ingenuity of the Soviet bankers and to the errors they committed, by inexperience.

Changing the Strategy of Dollar Handling: US Launch of New Credit-Investment Cycle in Association with the Currency Wars

#3. TARGET'S Issue
Changing the Strategy of Dollar Handling: US Launch of New Credit-Investment Cycle in Association with the Currency Wars

One of the US most important competitive advantages is the ability to carry out multi-way strategic financial transactions allowing to export arising crisis phenomena out of the US economy, providing the stability of proper development. Institutional mechanisms of financial and economic balancing of the US economy form the basis for these operations. With their help logical chain of managerial global iterations is implemented: “formation of the money supply in the US dollars currency” → “manipulating financial flows volumes and directions in the form of real dollars (cash and non-cash) and in the form of derived financial instruments (derivatives etc.)” → “the US possibility to transfer world crises into the format of phased strategic financial transactions in the US interests”.