Author page: Marina Vakhrameeva

Comparison of the Methodology of Statistical Observation in Tourism in the Russian Federation and European Countries


The need to harmonize national and international statistical practices in data collection and presentation is based on the desire for comparability of information. In the Russian Federation and the countries of the European Union, a different approach is used to organize and present the results of statistical observation of the tourism industry, including with respect to the classification of accommodation facilities for tourists, tourist trips according to their purposes. In Russia, they do not collect information on identifying the reasons why the citizens of these countries do not take part in tourism, nor do they register quality characteristics. Analysis of international experience shows that tourism statistics receive a lot of attention, with the focus on polling tourists and collective accommodation facilities. In the Russian system of statistical observation in the field of tourism, despite its constant improvement, there is still an acute shortage of data obtained on the basis of regular sample surveys.


1. Otchety Vsemirnoi turistskoi organizatsii [Reports of the World Tourism Organization]. Vse o turizme, available at:

2. Statisticheskii ezhegodnik YuNVTO [UNWTO Statistical Yearbook]. UNWTO, available at:

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4. Reglament (ES) 692/2011 Evropeiskogo parlamenta i Soveta po Evropeiskoi statistike turizma [Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European Tourism Statistics]. EUR-Lex, available at:

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