Special Investment Contract Instrument Reforming

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.167.2020.64-71

In July 2019 the Federal Law of December 31, 2014 N 488-FZ “On industrial policy in the Russian Federation” that determines legal and regulatory basis of the usage of special investment contract instrument (SPIC) was extensively revised. At this moment a package of new secondary legislation is being developed, regulatory framework in the sphere of SPIC is due to be reviewed locally. The article analyses key changes and distinctions between ‘SPIC 2.0’ and the previously used variant of the instrument. In the article there are given the results of SPIC’s application in the previous version during 4-year period. Taking into account that the reviewed changes of the instrument not only clarifies its content and masters its application but also changes subject focus of SPIC one can be talking about complex reforming of the instrument at present time


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