Forming Organizational and Information Management Mechanisms Building a Digital Economy in Russia

#3. For Nothing, or an Invisible Threat
Forming Organizational and Information Management Mechanisms Building a Digital Economy in Russia

Successful development of our country is closely connected with the option of creating a digital economy in Russia. Herewith, one of the most important components of this process is creation of supporting infrastructure for the digital economy as a convergent aggregate of digital ecosystems based on “big data” technologies, quantum computers, new production methods and artificial intelligence. Development of the Russian economy requires effective state regulation, increased manageability based on introduction of digital platforms for the main sectors of economy. The article dwells on formation of strategic mechanisms for monitoring, planning and market regulation of the Russian economy on the basis of building an integrated system of electronic markets for commodity resources using electronic trading platforms (ETP). Integrating ETP for creation of a complex system of electronic markets for commodity resources, associated with digital management platforms for major industries, creates new opportunities for optimizing dynamic interaction and adaptive improvement of commodity management transactions chains for creating a common logic of management processes in different commodity and market spaces and at all levels of management in Russia (and EAEU), which form the demand for issuing support of economic activity and volumes of financial resources (assets), denominated in a particular currency of one of the states — members of the EAEU.


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