Progress vs. Tradition. A Brief Course of 20th Century Russian History For Top Management

#6. Truth and force

The struggle for the role of successor was held between Gorbachev, who at that time represented the party apparatus, and Romanov, who was supervising the military-industrial complex. Romanov lost, as most of the “Kremlin elders” did not want to strengthen the defense industry: the country was already enough militarized. Moderate reformers were required and Gorbachev seemed to be just like this.

Progress vs. Tradition. A Brief Course of 20th Century Russian History For Top Management

#4. 25 000 000: Wo dein Рlatz, Genosse, ist?!

Simultaneously with Khrushchev’s removal ended the heroic period of the Soviet Union. Henceforth, a new period began, the content of which was to try to avoid the looming ideological and economic crisis.

The Russian Scientific Abroad: Nikolay Timofeevich Belyaev

#1. Hollywood as a password

Nikolay T. Belyaev, who united Russia, England and France with his life and his works, represented a surprising combination of the qualities of artillery officer, scholar in physical metallurgy and historian.

Progress vs. Tradition. A Brief Course of 20th Century Russian History For Top Management

#12. Evil People

As a man of his time, Khrushchev in his heart was remaining a revolutionary romantic. Therefore, being surrounded by the Stalinists, he dealt a crushing blow to the image of Stalin as a dictator and a tyrant, but at the same time he wanted to preserve the state created by Stalin, not realizing that he undermines its sacred foundations.

It Was Impossible to Leave Beria Alive

#11. Life resources

When the order on the elimination of Beria arrived, at first it was decided to organize a car accident. It’s hard to say now why this plan was changed. Perhaps, it was decided not to risk as Beria was a very experienced bureaucrat, a master of apparatus intrigues.