Russian Business Elite: Scenarios-2018. Part 1. Geopolitical and Geo-Economic Agenda: the Rules of the Game and (or) the Game Without no Rules

#3. For Nothing, or an Invisible Threat
Russian Business Elite: Scenarios-2018. Part 1. Geopolitical and Geo-Economic Agenda: the Rules of the Game and (or) the Game Without no Rules

The report examines positions and models of adapting the main Russian business groups (RBG) in 2018. The working hypotheses of scenario-based modeling were outlined in this report’s review, here the authors specify the set of basic variables (order parameters) for the USA (and the global economy in general) and Russia. Summarizing the self-destruction/demolition scenarios for the American and global financial system, the author comes to conclusion that business and the Russian state need to prepare for the worst “catastrophe” scenario, as in military sphere we must be prepared for attack with all the forces and means that the enemy has got. Collapse of the global financial system is actually an attack by all means and forces, especially in the context of “adequacy” of the Western elite to real threats and to the degree of responsibility that they have already demonstrated this year.


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