Purpose and Nature of Post-Industrial War. Memory Model of Dynamic Self-Awareness

#7. Foresight Boom
Purpose and Nature of Post-Industrial War. Memory Model of Dynamic Self-Awareness

The article is dedicated to consideration of the post-industrial armed conflict in the light of the non-digital world concept. It is shown that technological essence of the post-industrial war represents evolution management for military purposes. A memory cell model of dynamic self-awareness as an elementary “brick” of evolution is proposed. A logical operation — addition of memory cells, which creates a continuous cellular structure of the self-awareness memory, — is proposed. The article describes the method for solving the problem of controlled creation of the alive from the inanimate as a R&D direction in creating an artificial consciousness capable of self-evolution for the purposes of developing new types of autonomous weapons, reconnaissance systems, combat planning and control with psychic properties superior to the human psychic properties.


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