A New Look at Civilizations

#2. Sisyphean Task
A New Look at Civilizations

Recently research on the issues of civilizations, their history, their present, dialogue and the future has been intensified. One of the brightest scientists working in this direction is undoubtedly Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Chairman of the Civilizational Studies Department of the International Academy of Global Studies (IAGS), Professor Yuri V. Yakovets. What is the scientific novelty of his works?


  1. Yakovets Yu.V. Selected Works. Electronic Scientific Edition. Vol. I–III. Moscow, SKII, 2017
  2. Yakovets Yu.V. U istokov novoy tsivilizatsii [At the Cradle of a New Civilization]. Moscow, Delo, 1993.
  3. Yakovets Yu.V. Istoriya tsivilizatsiy [History of Civilizations]. Moscow, Vlados, 1997.
  4. Yakovets Yu.V. The Past and the Future of Civilizations. LewistonQueenstonLampeter: Edwin Mellen Press, 2000.
  5. Yakovets Yu.V. Globalizatsiya i vzaimodeystvie tsivilizatsiy [Globalization and Interaction of Civilizations]. Moscow, Ekonomika, 2003.
  6. Kuzyk B.N., Yakovets Yu.V. Tsivilizatsii: teoriya, istoriya, dialog, budushchee [Civilizations: Theory, History, Dialogue, the Future]. V 6 t. Moscow, INES, 2006, 2008, 2009.
  7. Yakovets Yu.V. Osnovy dolgosrochnoy strategii global’nogo ustoychivogo razvitiya na baze partnerstva tsivilizatsiy [Foundations of a Long-Term Strategy for Global Sustainable Development Based on Civilizations Partnership]. Nauchnyy doklad. Partnerstvo tsivilizatsiy, 2012, no 1.
  8. Yakovets Yu.V., Farakh S. Dialog i partnerstvo tsivilizatsiy [Dialogue and Partnership of Civilizations]. Uchebnik. Moscow, Mezhdunarodnyy institut Pitirima Sorokina — Nikolaya Kondrat’eva, Institut ekonomicheskikh strategiy, 2014.
  9. Yakovets Yu.V., Rastvortsev E.E. Sistema dolgosrochnykh tseley ustoychivogo razvitiya tsivilizatsiy [System of Long-Term Goals for Civilizations Sustainable Development]. Monografiya. Moscow, Institut ekonomicheskikh strategiy, 2017, 376 p.
  10. Yakovets Yu.V. Nauchnye osnovy strategii preodoleniya tsivilizatsionnogo krizisa i vykhoda na traektoriyu global’nogo ustoychivogo razvitiya [Scientific Basis of the Strategy for Overcoming Civilizational Crisis and Taking the Trajectory of Global Sustainable Development]. Doklad mezhdunarodnogo kollektiva uchenykh k Sammitu “Gruppy-20” [Report of the International Team of Scientists for the G20 Summit]. Saint Petersburg, 2013, September, 5–7. Pod redaktsiey Yu.V Yakovtsa. Moscow, MISK, 2013, 208 p.
  11. Yakovets Yu.V. Musul’manskiy mir v mire tsivilizatsiy XXI veka [The Muslim World in the World of the XXI Century Civilizations]. Nauchnyy doklad. Moscow, MISK, 2015, 38 p.
  12. Perspektivy i strategicheskie prioritety voskhozhdeniya BRIKS [Prospects and Strategic Priorities of the BRICS Ascent]. Nauchyy doklad. Pod redaktsieyV.A. Sadovnichego, Yu.V. Yakovtsa, A.A. Akaeva. Moscow, MISK, INES, NKI BRIKS, 2014.
  13. Yakovets Yu.V. Evraziyskaya tsivilizatsiya: istoricheskie korni, etapy razvitiya, strategiya vozrozhdeniya [Eurasian Civilization: Historical Roots, Stages of Development, Revival Strategy]. Nauchyy doklad. Moscow, MISK, 2016. 72 p.
  14. Strategiya stanovleniya ustoychivogo mnogopolyarnogo miroustroystva na baze partnerstva tsivilizatsiy [Strategy of Forming a Stable Multipolar World Order on the Basis of Civilizations Partnership]. Doklad Yaltinskogo tsivilizatsionnogo kluba. Moscow, MISK, 2017.
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