Manpower of a New Country

#2. Alliance Great
Manpower of a New Country

The article tells about the life of the legendary financier, candidate of economic sciences, multiple holder of the Order of the Labor Red Banner Andrei Ilyich Dubonosov (1900–1978). In the Soviet period, he headed the Moscow People’s Bank in London (1959–1967). Under his leadership the bank increased its assets by almost 30 times, began to work actively with British government securities, expanded loans to local urban projects and participation in the foreign exchange market activities. Contribution of Andrei Ilyich into these achievements is enormous. The people close to him — his son L.A. Dubonosov and his student V.V. Gerashchenko share with us their memories of an outstanding banker.


1. Alekseev M. Sovetskaya voennaya razvedka v Kitae i khronika “kitayskoy smuty” [Soviet Military Intelligence in China and the Chronicle of “Chinese Troubles”]. Moscow, Kuchkovo pole, 2010.

2. RGAE. Fond 7590, opis’ 1, delo 97, list 1, 1 oborot.

3. Dubonosov L. Nelegal za okeanom [Illegal Alien Overseas]. Moscow, Konsaltbankir, 2002.

4. Sovetskiy Soyuz dobilsya vydayushchikhsya uspekhov [The Soviet Union has Gained Outstanding Successes]. Time, 1963, July, 12.

5. Safronchuk V. Khren red’ki ne slashche [Horseradish is Not Sweeter Than Radish.]. Sovetskaya Rossiya, 1996. August, 22.

6. Financial Times, 1967, January, 14

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