Globalization and Unipolarity: a Quarter of Century Wandering in Search of Sustainable Development

#8. New Year’s Forces
Globalization and Unipolarity: a Quarter of Century Wandering in Search of Sustainable Development

At the beginning of the zero years of the XXI century there was a strong opposition of anti-globalists and globalists (mainstream) on the global agenda of development formed at the turn of the 1980-1990s in the XX century. In the middle of the second decade of the XXI century due to the green strategy of the global economy in relation to the new goals of sustainable development until 2030, these positions have shifted so much that the terms used do not reflect their original significance any more, which impedes the comprehension of actual processes, creating the illusion of radical changes in globalization processes in order to overcome negative trends on the way towards sustainable development. The article, on the basis of discussions on comprehending results of modern globalization a decade after its beginning, analyzes these changes and proposes terms more reflecting the essence of the ongoing global processes.


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