Strategic Designing of World Commodity Markets: Lessons of Oil Prices Collapse for Russia

#2. Liberal Indolence Inertia
Strategic Designing of World Commodity Markets: Lessons of Oil Prices Collapse for Russia

Operational result of the strategy being executed by political-economic US clans, which brought to power the current US President Barack Obama and keep under control the majority of European countries political leaders, influence the world economy future and the Russian economy in 2015–2016, is manipulative handling of world oil prices. This strategy is designed to create new economic and political balance of powers in the global arena through trying to expropriate the accumulated financial-economic resources of a number of oil-exporting countries and to focus the short- and medium-term trend of stimulating antirecessionary economic development of the West developed countries, based on increasing natural and industrial resources exploitation, especially Russia, on nonequivalent economic compensation for supplied energy resources. At the same time there is an attempt to unhinge” those political regimes, including Russia, which the West doesn’t like. Russia should draw up adequate conclusions from the current situation, they should form the basis for the national economic sovereignty policy in the ХХI century.

Eurasian Union: on the Way Towards Competitiveness

#2. Liberal Indolence Inertia
Eurasian Union: on the Way Towards Competitiveness

For guiding the process of European integration to address economic development goals it is necessary to develop and adopt a common strategy of commercial-economic policy of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), the Concept of integrated industrial and agricultural policies, as well as plans for their implementation. This involves harmonization of national and EAEU development policies: industrial, agricultural, scientific-technical, energy, transport etc. Subsequently it is necessary to create strategic planning system of the EAEU development, including long-term projections, the medium-term concepts and strategies for commercial, industrial, agricultural, scientific-technical policy, the main aspects of socio-economic, monetary and fiscal policies, as well as interstate programs and action plans for their implementation. As soon as possible it is required to develop and adopt strategic plan of EAEU development and its implementation program for the next decade. Such approach to planning development of Eurasian economic integration will allow to fully realize its potential and to achieve maximum macroeconomic effect in the member states.

About Small Pearls and Liquid Soup

#2. Liberal Indolence Inertia
About Small Pearls and Liquid Soup

The inequality problem is one of the key problems of the economic theory in XX-XXI centuries as according to most researchers’ estimates the impact potential of this phenomenon on the key economic indicators is very high. Inequality is caused by a lot of factors, ranging from biological ones. The article attempts to review the latest research of the inequality phenomenon in its various aspects and to assess its potential impact on the present-day Russia’s development.

Demographic Birth Wave and Future Population Fluctuations in Different Age Groups: Challenges for Social Policy

#2. Liberal Indolence Inertia
Demographic Birth Wave and Future Population Fluctuations in Different Age Groups: Challenges for Social Policy

Demographic projections — the basis for management decisions in the social policy field. Based on the average projection variant of Rosstat at the beginning of 2014 for the annual age-sex groups, we offer analysis of the population dynamics of the main socio-demographic groups in 2013–2031 and comments on social policy in response to demographic challenges (changes in demographic structure and quantity fluctuations in demographic groups that require expansion and contraction of social infrastructure over the next two decades). The proposed social policies are mainly associated with increasing elasticity of social infrastructure and implementation of the balance policy “family — work”.

The New Strategic Role of Russia as a Guarantor — Operator of the System for Global and Regional Economic Balances Maintenance

#1. Change of Leader
The New Strategic Role of Russia as a Guarantor — Operator of the System for Global and Regional Economic Balances Maintenance

Crimean events — the significant information signal of the new world era beginning, the era that came to substitute the epoch associated with the Soviet Union collapse. In these circumstances, the strategic role of Russia as a guarantor — operator of the system for global and regional balances maintenance allows it to permanently integrate into the system mechanisms determining the contours of the global macroeconomic models and well-being of national and international economic and political institutions: Russia is back among the great powers.

The Nobel Committee: is the Modern Market Regulated?

#1. Change of Leader
The Nobel Committee: is the Modern Market Regulated?

The article proposes “the developing society organization”, denoted as “effectively managed free market” which will allow to eliminate the conflict between government and business and even to reduce the grounds for conflict with the opposition.

Macroeconomic Control of Innovation Activity

#1. Change of Leader
Macroeconomic Control of Innovation Activity

The article discusses the macroeconomic regulation as a method of economic management, where the control center — the state does not need to study and to evaluate any slightest impact on the system, to give indications to the system elements how to react to it. The paper analyzes major challenges associated with implementation of innovation potential. The main trends of developing innovation potential of Russia are described.

The World Oil Prices Decline: Will Russia Sustain Macro-Organized Instability Translated From Abroad?

#10. Russia Concentrates?
The World Oil Prices Decline: Will Russia Sustain Macro-Organized Instability Translated From Abroad?

Macro-strategic game of world actors around the oil prices — is not a matter of business, it is a matter of global domination. If Russia sustains translated from abroad strategic trend of macro-organized instability in the form of geo-manipulated oil prices decline, it will mean that the Russian model is not inferior to the US and the EU ones as the main models of forming basic segments of society that finally confirms our status: return among the great powers. Statement of the new forces alignment in the global economy: a legal succession of modern Russia (Third Rome) from the Byzantine, then the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union as one of the world’s key political, economic and civilizational centers has occurred.

The Impact of Financial Integration Level on Changing Macroeconomic Indicators in the Crisis Conditions

#10. Russia Concentrates?
The Impact of Financial Integration Level on Changing Macroeconomic Indicators in the Crisis Conditions

The International Monetary Fund statistics for 12 eurozone countries is analyzed in order to assess the degree of changes synchrony under the crisis influence of such macroeconomic indicators as GDP growth, public debt, inflation level, unemployment and the current account operations. To quantify the observed changes, the values of Kendall concordance coefficient are calculated in equal intervals of time before and after the crisis beginning. Comparison with similar indices changes in groups of countries at a lower level of financial integration was accomplished. On the basis of received results the author discusses hypothesis about the origin of evident systemic economic turbulence in the eurozone under the crisis influence, which led to financial integration level decrease.

Monitoring Commodity Markets in Russia: the First Year of WTO Membership

#10. Russia Concentrates?
Monitoring Commodity Markets in Russia: the First Year of WTO Membership

The article quotes the results of commodity markets monitoring in Russia in order to analyze the first outcomes of WTO membership and to assess its consequences for separate regions. Three types of market were monitored — wheat, meat and cars — on the basis of statistical data of the Federal State Statistics Service and the Federal Customs Service of Russia.