Count Savva Vladislavich in the Pantheon of Tsarist Russia

#2. Mr Wanna-know-All's Questions
Count Savva Vladislavich in the Pantheon of Tsarist Russia

The article represents a history of life and activity in Serbian culture of a strong and colorful personality — Hertzegovinian Savva Vladislavich known in Russia as count Savva Lukic Vladislavich-Raguzinsky.

Construction of Multi-Storey Apartment Houses in Moscow in 1892 – 1917. Municipal Government Politics

#1. Choice of Identity
Construction of Multi-Storey Apartment Houses in Moscow in 1892 – 1917. Municipal Government Politics

Late XIX — early XX century is a key stage in the pre-revolutionary history of Moscow: population influx in the context of the all-Russian urbanization, economic growth, housing problem and municipal government development were creating many new pressing urban problems, one of which — the uncontrolled development of the city center with multi-storey apartment buildings. As a consequence of the occurred situation new compulsory regulations of the municipal government were developed, the work on which lasted from 1911 to 1917. Examining materials of Commission on compulsory regulations development, for the first time introduced into scientific circulation, it is easy to trace a number of insurmountable contradictions between different groups of the Moscow population represented in the City Duma.

On the Occasion of the 100th Anniversar of the Bohr Atom

#8. The Repertoire of Domination
On the Occasion of the 100th Anniversar of the Bohr Atom

In 2013 we celebrate 100 years since the publication of Niels Bohr’s article “On the constitution of atoms and molecules”. With this famous work of Niels Bohr the history of quantum mechanics began, and the atomic model with a massive charged nucleus and moving around it electrons, which Ernest Rutherford offered in 1911, found its physical sense. In connection with these extremely important events in the history of physics the author reminds the readers that a quarter century before the outstanding experiments of Rutherford and revolutionary theory of Niels Bohr the planetary model of atom was first born here, in Russia, in the works of B.N. Chicherin (1828-1904), published in 1888 – 1889 in “The Russian Physical and Chemical Society Journal”.

Pyotr Stolypin — Realized and Missed Opportunities in Reforming Russia

#6. Territory Without Aims?
Pyotr Stolypin — Realized and Missed Opportunities in Reforming Russia

The article is dedicated to the reforms of the outstanding Russian statesman Pyotr Stolypin. It reflects realized and missed opportunities to reform the complex socio- economic system of the Russian empire, its economy, social structure , the Army, the Navy, the institutional sphere in general. The article the necessity and the possibility of applying some of the reform approaches and methods of the early 20st century in Russia to the modern practice of reforming and developing the domestic economy.

It Is Difficult to Respect the Russian, but Impossible Not to Love Him

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

The famous literary critic, author of popular books, hundreds of actual articles, television cycles, profound researcher and subtle stylist, winner of the prestigious awards Lev Anninsky believes that the best of his works is “Ivanov’s Life”, the documentary novel about his family history. He is convinced that “the literary process in Russia is inseparably linked to the tragic history of our country, and the future mankind will remember alternately heroic and tragic side of this history, depending on what will be hurting humanity at the moment.” The place of Russia and Russians in the changing world, international relations at different historical stages, Russian history and culture in the context of contemporary historical moment, why the great Russian literature “was, and is not existing and cannot exist today ” – all the above in the interview of Lev Anninsky to Alexander Ageev and Alexander Isayev.

Sorokin and Kondratyev — Two Twisted Paths

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

The XX Congress of the Communist Party triggered the process of returning to society the names and works of those who had been cut off by Bolshevism, the GULAG or forced emigration from their motherland, for the sake of which they worked. In the present article the authors tell the story of life, friendship and scientific activities of two Russian scientists, whose work received both international attention and international recognition. The first – Pitirim Sorokin, Russian-American sociologist and culture specialist, one of the founders of the theory of social stratification and social mobility. The second – Nikolay Kondratyev, Russian and Soviet economist, founder of business cycles theory, the author of “Kondratyev’s five-year plan”.

How Strange is Our Country…

#9. Triupmh of chronophages

Stalin unlike Khrushchev considered dismemberment of Germany as failure of our policy, and in contrast to Beria he led the affairs not to neutralization of this country, but to its non-participation in any militarypolitical groupings.

Buy Tea “Caravan”!

#9. Triupmh of chronophages

Historical relations of Russians and Germans are deeper than Russia’s ties with other European nations. It is enough to remember the Empress Catherine II, a German by birth, who entered into our history as Catherine the Great.