Human Self-Sufficiency as the Basis for Self-Sufficiency of Socio-Economic Systems and a Multipolar World

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.93-99

The article dwells on relationship between the self-sufficiency of citizens and the self-sufficiency of socio-economic systems (hereinafter referred to as SES) at any level – from a company to a municipality, region and the state. It is shown that equal, self-sufficient states constitute the basis of a multipolar world. On the example of different countries, in particular the USA, it is shown that lack of self-sufficiency of citizens causes large external debt, the risk of reducing self-sufficiency of the state and, as a consequence, its destruction. Through the prism of self-sufficiency of citizens, the author shows the logical result to which Russian Federation is moving and to which it will arrive if it doesn’t change its monetary policy.

Based on her work experience as an expert, the author focuses on consciousness as an economic-cybernetic category and selfsufficiency as a reproductive (economic) function built into human nature to realize human potential.


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Foreign Policy of China and the United States’ Imposition of a Bipolar Confrontation on China


The article analyzes the US policy in terms of rebuilding bipolarity in the world community, where the Communist Party of China is designated as the main enemy of progressive humanity, an attempt is made to reform alliances of supporters of confrontation with China and countries that are confidently striving to pursue sovereign foreign and domestic policies. For the United States, this positioning corresponds to the tradition of foreign policy activities in the world community. In addition, it is based on the success of the policy of counteracting the camp of socialism and the USSR, and it was proposed to implement the same course in relation to the CPC of the PRC. A study of the main conceptual provisions determining the content of the PRC’s foreign policy strategy was carried out, it was proved that China does not seek to become a hegemon in the world community, but economic leadership and its economic interests will try to promote in all possible ways, excluding military actions. The economic expansion of the PRC can only be counteracted by the countries gaining genuine national economic sovereignty and building up national competitiveness, an interstate foreign policy strategy pursued by countries on the basis of realizing national interests and reaching an agreed consensus in sensitive sectors of economic interaction.

“Soft Power” Like an Effective Tool of Foreign Policy Influence in Conditions of Transition to Multipolarity

#5. Longstanding Generation
“Soft Power” Like an Effective Tool of Foreign Policy Influence in Conditions of Transition to Multipolarity

The article analyzes “soft power” as an instrument for implementing foreign policy strategy in modern conditions; a comparative analysis of the impact of the “soft power” components on the electorate is made; the author analyzes opposite directions of the goal-setting vectors of “soft power” in conditions of total globalization and transition to multipolarity; it is stated that polycentrism determines the self-identification of societies and realization of national interests, the existence and development of historical, linguistic, traditional cultural and ethnic characteristics of nations and peoples, as well as the role of the state as an institution, maintaining social justice, which gives a definite specificity to the mechanism of implementing the “soft power” policy; the article also reflects the increasing role of information space in the context of globalization.

Institutional Dehumanization as a Meta-Technology of Social Destruction

#7. Hysteresis Loop
Institutional Dehumanization as a Meta-Technology of Social Destruction

The paper studies the dangerous phenomenon of institutional dehumanization that leads to social destruction and stagnation in social development, to blocking the ways of its further historical development. Targeted impact on a person from meta-level of a systemic organization through a global digital platform allows to distort imperceptibly the structure of his needs, which leads to the loss by individuals of empathy and of possibility to implement activities within social and state construction. Institutional dehumanization is characterized by manifestations of terrifying violence, various forms of deviant and delinquent behavior. That is why, it is used as the main chaosintroducing component of the hybrid wars allowing imperceptibly to destroy the sovereignty of state formations, depriving them of the possibility to maintain their original concept and implement accumulation of their own unique ways of existence, state system, culture and science, management structure, as well as their individual and unique mental constructions serving as a model unifying results of socially significant activities. The antidote to dehumanization can become the state support in developing higher moral and ethical needs of the population as dominating in the hierarchy of an individual and society.

Whirlwinds of Global Risks and the Strategy of Russia’s Development. Finals of the Youth Teams Strategic Game

#5. Constants Instability

On December 9, 2010 the Russian Academy of Sciences held the 10th anniversary session of the Global Strategy Forum on the topic “Whirlwinds of global risks and strategy of Russia’s development”. The finals of the strategic game of young leaders and experts teams were held. The format of the strategic game involved the development of strategies for intervention on the topic: “The driving forces and characters of  modernization breakthrough in Russia”.