Fundamentals and methods of forming a database of intellectual property of organizations

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.94.2020.18-25

In modern economic conditions, enterprises that produce high-tech products rely on their existing competencies based on various objects of intellectual property. In this regard, the competitiveness of high-tech enterprises is directly dependent on the efficiency of the use of intellectual property. Thus, there is a problem of constructing mechanisms that allow describing intellectual property objects of knowledge-intensive enterprise and performing their information analysis, which justifies the relevance of forming the organization’s intellectual property database.

Innovative Potential and Assessing Reserves of the High-Tech Engineering Technologies Development

#2. Breakthrough Betting
Innovative Potential and Assessing Reserves of the High-Tech Engineering Technologies Development

Innovative potential of technology (IPT) is a set of single indicators reflecting the ability of a technological system to develop. Analysis allows us to interpret IPT as a characteristic of scientific and technical potential (STP) constituting a small increment of the function that describes the NTP of a technological system or its subsystem for a small predetermined period of time in the vicinity of the considered time point. This idea allows us to estimate the reserves of technology development and outline effective ways for its development.