Social Dominant of the Time Concept in the Process of Cardinal Transformations of Society

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.189.2023.86-93

The author examines a number of topical aspects of socio-political practice and futurology of the ongoing process of cardinal transformations in post-Soviet Russia. It is shown that this process constitutes the essence of global trends of permanent renewal of state-public institutions, socio-political and production practices; it is associated with abandoning outdated ideologemes, economic concepts, with the elites change in the ongoing struggle for dominance in power structures.


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State and Business Interaction: Survey of Economics and Policy Through Time

#4. Window of Opportunities
State and Business Interaction: Survey of Economics and Policy Through Time

The lecture deals with Keynesian views on interaction between government and business — first, during the Great Depression, and then in the postwar period of economic recovery, when the role of the State in the Tandem increased, the State intensified its involvement in the business. The role of public investment into infrastructure as a cornerstone of future economic growth is characterized. Keynesian idea of the importance for economic development of investment in human capital is obtained. The features of neo-developmentalism (neo-structuralism) that have proliferated in the XXI century are analysed.

I am an Optimist, and in the Darkest Years I hope for the Best

#8. Is a burden of one’s own choice is not felt?

I come from the era called “dashing nineties”, I represent the team that is believed to have demolished the Soviet Union, destroyed the economy, led our people to poverty. Today they swipe us without trying to understand the essence of the processes, which took place in that period.

A New Model of Economic Growth in Russia

#3. Expectation of Light

What kind of financial system is it, in which incredible for other countries losses of foreign exchange reserves, acquired with such difficulty over the decades, occur? It is clear that such financial system needs major adjustments.

Another Reincarnation of the Idea of Russia’s Modernization: the Choice of Model

#3. Expectation of Light

It’s possible to say surely that for many centuries two models of relationship in society co-exist — control (diktat!) or partnership, and predominance of one or another component determines the type of corresponding public formation.

Modernization of the National Economy of Russia Within the Framework of Monopolar World Configuration

#7-8. Burning Ground

Our economy today is not in a position to renounce hydrocarbon exports — either from political or economic reasons. And it would have been unjustified.