The Strategy of Environmental Engineering: From Saving Resources — to the Economy of Their Treatment

#8. Is a burden of one’s own choice is not felt?

The time has come when increasing eco-efficiency in industrial production and consumption, strengthening responsibility for environmental damage should be attributed to the priorities of the Russian Federation economic policy.

Essays of Economic Optimism in Times of Stagnation

#10. Questions and Answers

It is imperative that Russia is rich with creative, initiative people, ready to realize these opportunities. It isn’t their fault that the overall stagnant situation, the dominance of bureaucrats, conservative party diktat often did not allow them to realize the most  ambitious ideas.

The State-Innovator

#6. Truth and force

The acquisition of positive experience, if its price is not too high, inspires people, and enthusiasm, as we know, is contagious. Positive information is communicated from mouth to mouth and makes the product “natural choice of a client”.

Efficient Corporate Governance

#3. Expectation of Light

Strangely enough, but good corporate governance, ensuring compliance with laws, standards, rules, rights and responsibilities, enables companies to avoid also the costs associated with legal suits, claims of shareholders and other economic disputes.

National Heritage Of Russia

#11. Life resources

To date there are only 18 enterprises producing linen fabrics for technical and household purposes remaining in the Russian Federation. Nevertheless, light and textile industry of Russia has got great not yet realized potential for growth.