A New Look at Civilizations

#2. Sisyphean Task
A New Look at Civilizations

Recently research on the issues of civilizations, their history, their present, dialogue and the future has been intensified. One of the brightest scientists working in this direction is undoubtedly Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Chairman of the Civilizational Studies Department of the International Academy of Global Studies (IAGS), Professor Yuri V. Yakovets. What is the scientific novelty of his works?

Euro Without Economy or the Time has Come

#8. The Repertoire of Domination
Euro Without Economy or the Time has Come

How and why coins are becoming a source of historical facts or deny them? And how through a coin — as through a magnifying glass — you can look back into the past and see the cultural achievements of predecessors, works of the great sculptors and architects, artists’paintings, joy and tears of the people?

Certificate of State Maturity

#3. Green question

Even the elected leader of the state may not become a spiritual and national leader of the people, if he forgets the commandment: “Not by their words, but for their deeds you recognize them”. In recent months, weeks and days we’ve heard a lot of words. What deeds will follow these words? A leader can obtain “certificate of state maturity” only for his deeds. There are many vital “subjects” in this “certificate”, but few textbooks have been written on them. And there are only two examiners – people and the time. The people in Russia were and are, but leaders have got very few time. Too late to learn.

Participation of the Russian Orthodox Church In the Development of Credit Co-Operation

#12. Evil People

Experience of participation of the Russian Orthodox Church in development of credit co-operation is of practical interest for those who are concerned with the welfare of people. This is not a matter of blind copying, but of creative search for new forms, adequate to modern conditions.

Participation of the Russian Orthodox Church In the Development of Credit Co-Operation

#11. Life resources

By the end of the XIXth century credit cooperatives walked through a long way of development, but the goal sought by enthusiasts of cooperative movement (brothers Luginin, prince A.I. Vasilchikov, E.V. De Roberti and many others), as well as by the government — to protect peasants from money-lenders and to provide them with affordable loans — was never achieved.