Changing Business Models in the Context of Digital Transformation of the Global Economy

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.64-69

Technological advances have resulted in rapid decrease of the data processing unit cost, which has stimulated a significant increase in the use of digital information that can be manipulated at a high speed and with low marginal costs. This change facilitated the use and integration of digital products and transactions, which led to continuous structural transformation of the economy. Digital technologies are increasingly blurring the boundaries between human life and information technologies, which requires a systemic approach to innovative business models, but so far general concept and unified methodology for systemic development of digital business models are missing. The present article summarizes the main approaches to analyzing changes in business models under the influence of digital transformation. The latter has led both to modification of global value chains and to the development of a new type of global digital platforms operating based on a new system of competitive advantages

Invisible Dysontogenesis of X, Y, Z Generations (Transformation of Social Subjectivity Features)

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.169.2020.80-89

The article analyzes the causes of population dysontogenesis-a hidden process of loss of human subjectivity: the destruction of its psychophysiological and psychosocial qualities necessary for the normal activity of society. Violations caused by unformed structures of the child’s brain during the period of socialization in the family and school are hardly noticeable in a state of comfort, but they manifest themselves under normative and especially peak psychophysiological loads: deviant behaviors, educational failure, deterioration of health and loss of reproductive functions.
The consolidation of dysontogenesis in generations X, Y, and Z occurs through international educational standards that simplify educational programs and reduce didactic requirements to a level beyond which pathophenomenes become barely noticeable, but continue to accumulate statistically at the lower limit of the norm. Compensation for impaired functions occurs at the expense of modern means of digital communication-there is a non-specific “swarm” subjectivity: emotionally unstable, easily suggestible representatives of generations Y and Z become the main resource base of extremist and terrorist organizations.
The loss of basic social functions of goal-setting and control, empathy and passionarity in generations X, Y, Z, a simplified view of reality, increased lability and network conformism, decreased libido, and redirection of creative energy to the virtual-all this leads to the cessation of reproduction of the properties of society as a system structure. Restoration of systemogenetic development is possible only if the basic functions of the social state — science, education and upbringing-are provided.

Management of Superposition in Information-Cognitive Processes (Invariance of Methods of Destruction of Society)

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.165.2019.124-133

The second part of the work analyzes new information-semantic methods of social destruction, which have a higher level of complexity in relation to traditional forms: hot, cold wars, as well as various forms of hybrid wars. The difference between wars of a new kind is in the management of information and cognitive processes: in the formation of the so-called superposition with the help of a global digital platform: programming the perception and evaluation of a social event. The use of new methods of destruction blocks the processes of regulation of social systems, disorganizes the work of institutional structures, acting as an organizational weapon. The danger of war of superpositions as “war of schr dinger” is almost infinite variability of sophisticated methods of destruction, their stealth and high efficiency achieved by imposing the external contour of information management, as well as the use of the specifics of shimmering subjectivity — when objects and subjects of war are constantly changing places. The authors postulate that the tactical and strategic counteraction in the war of superpositions can be organized only on the basis of scientific methodology, which has an appropriate level of complexity, that is, on the platform of the social state

Science in the Period of “Re-Quantization of Reality” and Information-Cognitive Mechanisms of Social Destruction

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.163.2019.70-81

The article opens a new cycle of works devoted to the development of scientific methodology of functional systems for the study of the phenomenon of “reality re-quantization”: a sharp increase in the level of complexity of all system constructions — as the main property in their “work against entropy”. According to S.P. Kurdyumov, S.P. Kapitse and A.D. Panov, the “mode of operation with exacerbation” observed in social systems is due to the change of self-similar attractors — when they begin to be regulated not only by the past, but also by the “absolute future”. The authors postulate that the dominant regulator in the future cycle of development of system constructions are moral and ethical constructs created by people as subjects of singularity, which determine the possibility of social systems to “work against entropy” in even more complex forms and manifestations: namely, through science, education and upbringing — project and consciously. As an example of the study of destructive social phenomena of a higher level of complexity, the “Schr dinger War” is considered, in which the “meaning” of social events is controlled through a superposition — through its interpretation imposed from a higher level of system organization using the technologies of the global digital platform.

Image of the Future as a System-Forming Factor for Society

#2. Breakthrough Betting
Image of the Future as a System-Forming Factor for Society

The article continues the cycle of studies devoted to the study of the “crisis of crises” of the human population caused by the “re-quantization of reality” — the transition from the outdated forms of Zoopopulation to the new Psychosocial formation; at the same time, it is noted that the “Image of a bright future” as a system-forming factor of the New World is distorted by subjective and objective reasons. Among the objective reasons that impede his perception, the authors see a sharp threshold increase in the level of complexity of all system constructions, including society, which requires immediate changes in the modern methodology of science. Subjective factors are the persistent attempt to preserve the obsolete global world order and stagnate the development of mankind by various methods of social destruction, primarily by creating artificial inequality. In response to the specific Russian question “What to do?”, The authors propose the obvious: revival and transition to dominance of higher forms of motivation, development of moral and ethical qualities as relevant anti-entropic factors and development of closing technologies as the highest form of livelihood of the population — all on the platform of social of the state.

Institutional Dehumanization as a Meta-Technology of Social Destruction

#7. Hysteresis Loop
Institutional Dehumanization as a Meta-Technology of Social Destruction

The paper studies the dangerous phenomenon of institutional dehumanization that leads to social destruction and stagnation in social development, to blocking the ways of its further historical development. Targeted impact on a person from meta-level of a systemic organization through a global digital platform allows to distort imperceptibly the structure of his needs, which leads to the loss by individuals of empathy and of possibility to implement activities within social and state construction. Institutional dehumanization is characterized by manifestations of terrifying violence, various forms of deviant and delinquent behavior. That is why, it is used as the main chaosintroducing component of the hybrid wars allowing imperceptibly to destroy the sovereignty of state formations, depriving them of the possibility to maintain their original concept and implement accumulation of their own unique ways of existence, state system, culture and science, management structure, as well as their individual and unique mental constructions serving as a model unifying results of socially significant activities. The antidote to dehumanization can become the state support in developing higher moral and ethical needs of the population as dominating in the hierarchy of an individual and society.