On the Formation of Common Markets for Oil and Petroleum Products of the Eurasian Economic Union

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-1.181.2022.58-71

This article is devoted to the activities on the formation of common markets for oil and petroleum products of the Eurasian Economic Union. At the same time, these common markets are considered by the author as a factor in ensuring the interests of the national economies of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, contributing to increasing the level of economic integration of the member states. It is noted that relations currently in the oil sector within the Union are carried out on a bilateral basis within the framework of intergovernmental agreements. Certain issues of ensuring energy security are considered, it is noted that the key goal of ensuring the energy security of the Union should be, first of all, maintaining the energy resource base of each Member State and the Union as a whole.


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Critical Analysis and Legal Qualifications of the Destruction and Rehabilitation of the Union Space (USSR — EAEU, 1990–2015)

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.162.2019.108-117

In his work with the economic, legal and socio-political point of view are considered causes of the collapse of the USSR, worked in a complex questions of integration and disintegration of the former Soviet Union, examines the integration processes on the post-Soviet space, given the author’s assessment of the results of the construction of the Eurasian Economic Union. Conducted analysis of the international legal instruments in the framework of the Eurasian post-Soviet integration. Extended terminological system, through the development of the author’s definition of the EAEC

On the Issue of Regulating Relations in the Energy Sector Within the Framework of the Eurasian Economic Union

#2. Noah’s Caste
On the Issue of Regulating Relations in the Energy Sector Within the Framework of the Eurasian Economic Union

The article deals with regulating relations in the energy sector within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union, provisions of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union dated 29 May 2014 in the energy field, cooperation prospects of Member States in the energy sector. The brief analysis of the “Energy” section of the Treaty of May 29, 2014 is done.