ESG Strategies and Business Energy Transition in Modern Conditions


The article considers the content of the ESG requirements as a transitional phase from unregulated globalization to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals until 2030, focuses on the social component, as well as on the relationship between achieving steering ejection with the restructuring of energy generating segments of national economies, incl. developing countries; it is emphasized that the developed countries, proclaiming the energy transition to renewable sources, use the potential of developing economies for their own purposes, which strengthens the trend towards state regulation of developing countries in order to achieve national economic objectives; it is analyzed that the unconditional implementation of the ESG principles led to a reduction in long-term investments in exploration and production of fossil energy sources, which in turn led to a sharp increase in prices in world markets; it is substantiated that the process of energy transition requires smooth implementation of the process, in connection with which a radical rejection of fossil fuels is unacceptable in modern conditions, and given the sanctions strategy of the Anglo-Saxon countries in relation to a number of states with an increased social component in the investment load of economic entities, in practice undermines the achievement of the goals of environmental justice, assistance to increase the welfare of the population and increase the social responsibility of companies to society.



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Methodological features of structuring the subjects of the Russian gas industry

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.105.2022.45-52

The article is devoted to approaches to structuring the subjects of the Russian gas industry taking into account the role of the gas industry in the state economy and its unique features. The article discusses global challenges for the Russian gas industry in the conditions of energy transition. An analysis of the structuring of the subjects of the gas industry of Russia is being carried out; foreign experience is being considered with the identification of key features. An author’s approach to structuring the subjects of the gas industry of Russia is offered, combining the strengths of Russian and foreign approaches.


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The role of ESG during the energy transition

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.98.2021.45-56

The necessity of a multidimensional approach to the assessment of energy transition is considered. There is a growing trend towards abandoning investment in publicly traded oil and gas companies and the need for environmental and social management measures to introduce the concept of “sustainable” investments. Emphasis is placed on responsible investments in the oil and gas industry, taking into account factors of the environment, social and governance (ESG). The relationship between ESG, finance and economics is discussed. The results of the activities of oil and gas companies in the context of the ESG requirements are presented. Information on the capacities and volumes of renewable energy sources production by the largest companies has been systematized. The conclusion is made about the dominance of the climate change problem in the tasks of financial management.