Banks’ Rehabilitation: International Experience and the Russian Practice

#7. Foresight Boom
Banks’ Rehabilitation: International Experience and the Russian Practice

The paper analyzes the international and Russian practice of stressed banks rehabilitation, which is realized in two main forms — big banks forced resolution and voluntary recovery of insolvent, but revivable banks. On the insight ground of dynamics and structure of the Russian top-5 banks liabilities and capital the paper shows that in continued credit shrinkage conditions, the Russian banking sector restructuring is possible only through voluntary recovery arrangement. Conversely, forced, but preventive rehabilitation would perceived by markets as a signal of bank’s soon insolvent, and this can become a trigger of the lenders outflow and provokes the compression of banking sector credit portfolio.

Strategic Directions of the Russian Economy Monetary Regulation

#5. To Understand. To Prevent. To Overcome
Strategic Directions of the Russian Economy Monetary Regulation

The article deals with strategic directions of development of the Russian economy monetary regulation based on the current state of the Bank of Russia monetary policy, paradoxes of modern economic theory, analysis of new global trends in the money and capital markets, as well as the priority areas of the Russian financial market development and its financial infrastructure, tools and products.

The Crisis of the Russian Economy Development Trend Persists

#5. To Understand. To Prevent. To Overcome
The Crisis of the Russian Economy Development Trend Persists

Changing of a conjuncture index of “Economic strategy” (CIES) for the january–april 2016 is considered. The contribution of indicators of supply and demand in CIES is estimated. The analysis of industrial production is carried out.