Author page: Victor Volkonsky

The Future is Connected With a Multipolar World Ideology

#5-6. Five Scenarios for a Century
The Future is Connected With a Multipolar World Ideology

The world is now experiencing a lack of spirituality. The most important aspect of this period is decline of ideologies that have been the main history drivers in the XIX–XX centuries. They require serious updating. In place of the unipolar world and globalization ideology should come an era of multipolar world. Each of the strengthening civilization poles will seek ideological support for their own state (or union of states). Most likely, the poles’ ideologies will represent a kind of synthesis of traditional spirituality and the elements of socialist ideology.

The Future is Connected With a Multipolar World Ideology

#4. The Square of Transformation
The Future is Connected With a Multipolar World Ideology

The world is now experiencing a lack of spirituality. The most important aspect of this period is decline of ideologies that have been the main history drivers in the XIX–XX centuries. They require serious updating. In place of the unipolar world and globalization ideology should come an era of multipolar world. Each of the strengthening civilization poles will seek ideological support for their own state (or union of states). Most likely, the poles’ ideologies will represent a kind of synthesis of traditional spirituality and the elements of socialist ideology.

Impasse or Historical Break? The Rise and Decline of Spirit in Poetry and Cinema

#10. Talkative Times

To turn the wheel of history and to save Russia from the control of the West, a political genius is required. But geniuses are not born in a vacuum and not suddenly.

Globalism — a Multi-Polar World: the Future or the Past?

#3. Green question

The Great Spirit of Capitalism woke powerful creative forces of man. But at the same time it released the demons of personal success and enrichment, sworn by world religions. And along with the great human achievements they caused new disintegration of society into slaves and masters.

The Path to the Future Begins with Correction of Names: Search for an Optimistic Ideology. Rehabilitation of Dualism

#6. Truth and force

The main feature distinguishing the other, different world from this material world – is the system of laws (the laws of nature and society), which are strictly unambiguously controlling phenomena of the material world.